

2. Hello everyone. Thanks for coming. My name is Sophia, current principal of FCS.

3. One quick announcement regarding the changes to FCS staff structure this year. FCS used to have two offices and two vice principals; one for AC and one for regular classes. Since many staffs left last year as their kids have graduated, we have merged the offices into one and kept only one vice principal. We have relocated AC classrooms closer to the office.

4. First of all, I would like to let you know that all FCS staff including principal and vice principal are volunteered without any pay or compensations. Sometimes they have to pitch in financially in addition to their personal time. The only motivation is providing best Chinese education and establishing positive role models to the next generation. I would invite all student parents start participating from small events.

5. Now, Let me introduce the leading staffs.


7. 副校長_Lillian(Lillian是幫校長負責學分班方面的事務).

8. Here is our Vice Principal, Lillian. Lillian assists principal with tasks related to AC classes.


10. 秘書組組長_Vivian(負責採購教具,gift card, gift for Fcs and IHS teaches.)

11. Vivian leads secretary department. Secretary department is responsible for purchasing teaching aid, shopping gifts for FCS and IHS teachers, and coordinating with external organizations.


13. 教務/人事組長_Sophia(教務方面負責,各班老師和教室的安排,教課書的訂購,家長和老師的備忘錄,校內外的學術比賽,教師評鑑以及老師的問卷調查以及暑假的教師營)(人事方面負責,老師的合約,優良教師,資深教師,退休老師,還有校內服務5年以上的老師)

14. I am also leading academic affair and personnel department. Responsibilities include assigning teachers and arranging classrooms, reviewing and ordering text books, defining progress guidelines, conducting internal academic contests and coordinating external academic contests, evaluating teaching performance, conducting parent/student survey, arranging advanced summer training camp for teachers, recurring teachers and singing teacher contracts, nominating high performance teachers to external organizations, and processing teacher retirement etc.

15.註冊組長_Chen-Hsiao(負責學生註冊通知,開學email 通知,加退選還有班級名單給老師)

16. Chen-Hsiao is leading registration department. His team is responsible for registration, enrollment, student records, and class roasters.


18. 活動/出版組長_Lillian(活動組事負責校內所有的活動像是;剛結束的各班照相,halloween parade, 還有接下來的新春小吃品嚐籌款,新春聯誼會,還有學分班的畢業典禮.)(年刊方面則是要蒐集各班的花絮還有各組組長的感言,還有拉廣告等等)

19. Our vice principal, Lillian, also leads activity department. The team is responsible for all on campus non-academic activities, for example, picture day, Halloween parade, Chinese New Year celebration, graduation ceremony, year book, and also conduct fund raising events outside the campus etc.


21. 財務組長_Charles(負責學校所有的財務)

22. Charles is our chief financial officer. Every thing related to money needs his review and approval.


24. 訓育組長_Eugene(負責學校所有的維安,安排整年的輪值幹事和班級.以及校內活動的參予)

25. Security team is led by Eugene. The team is responsible for maintaining campus security and safety, arranging security duty roaster, supporting all internal events, and all teaching aid lifting and shifting.


27. 電腦組長_Daniel(負責學校的webistie還有校內活動時的照相)

28. Daniel leads IT department which is responsible for IT related tasks including constructing and maintaining FCS web site. He is also our official FCS photographer.

29. 以及介紹現場所有的幹事.

30. Let's also go around and introduce the staffs who are in this meeting today.

31. 我們學校今年的學生人數有532人,其中學分班學生有92位,學科班(pk-8年)學生有403位學生,其他有40位包括成人才藝班,還有成人的Line dance.我們今年的幹事也有47位,今年新進了10位的新幹事.我們也歡迎這10位的新幹事.

32. Our current student population is 532; AC has 92 students while there are 403 in regular classes, and plus 40 students from elective classes and adult line dance class.

33. There are 47 staffs this year including 10 new blood. I'd like to welcome these 10 new volunteers.

34. 今年開學我們學校就參加了1) 九月份祭孔大典的六佾舞, 2) 10/4在santa clara的升旗典禮,由51班的賀秋鳳老師帶著51班的同學代表費利蒙中文學校帶來了精彩的表演. 3) 還有10/10金山的國慶遊行一行共33人由幹事和老師及其家屬代表學校參加遊行,並且獲得了第三名還有獎金$200.也要謝謝這些遊行的人.

35. So far in this school year, FCS teachers, staffs, and student families have participated one major mainstream society activity during summer (the 4th of July Fremont parade) and three important Chinese community activities. FCS has not just brought the attention to public media, but also won the third place and $200 prize in the Double-Ten parade in San Francisco. Of course, trophies and prizes have been donated to the school. I'd like to express my appreciations again to those who volunteered and to invite more participation from student families.

36. 我們都將這些參加的活動都會放在學校的網站還有學校的FB.上,歡迎各位家長能多多上我們學校的網站和FB去看看.我們會隨時將我們的訊息update.

37. We will continue to update FCS web site and Facebook account with event announcements and photos. Please stay tuned.

38. 教務組方面:

39. Regarding academics fairs

40. 教師評鑑:

41. Midterm Appraisal

42. 今年我們預訂在下學年要舉行教師評鑑,.教師評鑑是由學校的幹事和各班的班代一組2人組成, 我到時會發給每位評鑑的人員一份表格到各班去做為其一個小時的評鑑.

43. We have scheduled teacher performance evaluation in the second semester. Each class parent representative will team up with one staff to audit a randomly picked class for an hour, and provide in-class evaluation forms to FCS out of the class room.


45. Parent and Student Survey

46. 11月底將近行問卷調查。以往學生和家長擔心老師會知道是哪個學生填的,怕會影響學生的成績.今年學校透過Online來做,不用怕會被老師知道,因為我們是單獨寄給每位家長的,submit之後只有教務組知道,我們教務組整理完後,才會將家長或 學生的意見送給老師,讓老師知道家長的意見和想法.這份問卷調查我們在年度結束時會再做一次.

47. We will start midterm survey in the end of November.

48. In the past, due to the traditional method of distributing and collecting survey forms, many student parents were concerned about the impacts to their students. They hesitated to provide frank feedback on survey forms or did not turn in because the worries of being recognized by their form/handwriting.

49. This year, we will conduct the survey online. Every single survey response will be kept confidential. Only one designated academic department staff has password protected access to the responses. Academic department will use computer to analyze the responses at class level. Then all survey feedback, statistics, and analysis will be shared anonymously with school board and individual teacher in a consolidated form.

50. Another survey will be conducted at the end of school year.

51. 學術比賽:

52. Academic Contests

學術比賽報名表今年也已經e 化了.相信所有的家長也都已經收到,截止日期是11/20.過了截止日期我們將不在收任何的報名了.因為我們要確定人數才能安排教室還有評審閱卷的老師以及監考閱卷的人員.如果你們晚交了報名表,對我們的作業程序上將會有很大的阻擾.所以請班代除了告訴班上的各位家長鼓勵學生踴躍參加還要提行各班家長們截止日期.每一位學生最多只能參加三項.參加每一項項目的學生會那到?cupon劵.也請參加的小朋友和家長一定要仔細閱讀比賽規則.我們也專門位C班的家長們建立了一個網上簡易教學.請C班的家長們,先看網上簡易教學,如有不懂再請家長帶著你們的smart phone請C班的老師幫忙,或是到office來.我們會協助各位家長.

54. FCS has emailed out web link of online enrollment form to each student. The enrollment stats today and end on Nov 20. No enrollment afterwards. FCS staffs need time to get the accurate enrolled numbers of students for the right sizes of classrooms. Please get yourselves familiar with the contest rules and schedule first. We also have a tutorial document in English for your reference before starting your online enrollment. This is the first year of going online. Please bear with us. If you still have questions after reading the tutorial, please feel free to stop by our office at room 202.

55. 再來今年的北加聯學術比賽,是由北加聯當主辦單位考題是由幾個學校聯合出題.本校負責出題的項目是: 中文打字和毛筆書法這兩項.今年北加聯將查字典取消了.並且增加了雙語班C和D組的朗讀項目.但因為是試辦所以從C和D組開始辦起.

56. ANCC had added read aloud contest for bilingual students starting from group C and D this year. Bilingual class parents please encourage your students to participate.

57. 學校在開學的前2-3週,可能會有教室的調動.雖然我們在放假前已經看過教室了,但是開學之後還是會依當時的情況和老師的需求來做一些調整.這點要向各位班代說明一下.

58. Please do expect classroom rearrangement in the first few weeks according to requests and needs from IHS and FCS teachers. Thank you for your understanding.


60. 學分班Accredited Curriculum

61. 請假規則

62. 一學期最多公假兩次,私假三次,超出者將失去學分資格

63. 私假三次, 需要補課兩次

64. 無補課者, 學期總成績將降一個 letter grade 只補一堂課者,學期總成績將被扣5分

65. 私假兩次, 需要補課一次

66. 無補課者,學期總成績將被扣5分

67. Attendance Policy

68. Only Allow 2 absences for school related activities and 3 absences due to personal reasons per semester. If the students exceed the amount allowed, the students will be disqualified to earn credits.

69. Students with 3 absences (personal) need to take 2 make-up classes.

70. Not attending make-up classes will lead to one letter grade drop from the final semester grade.

71. Only attending one make-up class will lead to 5 points deduction from the final semester grade.

72. Students with 2 absences (personal) need to take 1 make-up class.

73. Not attending make-up class will lead to 5 points deduction from the final semester grade.

學分班Accredited Curriculum

  • 學分班只允許九年級以上的高中學生就讀
  • 經由分班考試決定就讀 level
  • 九年級最高允許至 level 3
  • 十年級最高允許至 level 4
  • AP只允許十一和十二年級學生就讀
  • Fremont Unified School District 不允許學生在美國學校及費利蒙中文學校同時修中文, 即使是不同的level。 FUSD 只會承認在母校的學分
  • Only 9th graders and above are allowed to enroll the Accredited Curriculum
  • The placement test determines the AC level.
  • 9th graders are allowed to take up to AC level 3.
  • 10th graders are allowed to take up to AC level 4.
  • Only 11th and 12th graders can take AP classes.
  • Fremont Unified School District does not allow students taking AC Chinese at the home school and FCS at the same time even if the levels are different. FUSD only recognizes the home school credits.





  • 協助老師繳交班級照片的學生姓名順序
  • 協助老師按時完成及繳交一頁半的班級花絮
  • 鼓勵學生參加年刊封面設計比賽
  • 歡迎個人或公司行號贊助年刊廣告

Publication Group

Main Responsibility

Yearbook editing and publication

Parent Assistance Needed

  • Assist teachers in turning in the student name list of the class picture in order of their seating
  • Assist teachers in completing and turning in the one and a half class page
  • Encourage students to participate in the yearbook cover page contest
  • Welcome any advertisement sponsors







  • 歡迎個人及公司行號捐贈新春聯歡會抽獎獎金及獎品
  • 支持班級節目表演
  • 配合會場入座需知
  • 尊重表演勿將學生中途帶出場造成混亂
  • 鼓勵學生穿著喜氣應節的服裝

Activity Group

Main Responsibility

Planning, hosting and decorating for the school events

Main Activities

Halloween, Chinese New Year Celebration, Food Festival Fundraising and Graduation Ceremony

Need Parents assistance for Chinese New Year Celebration

  • Welcome any donations for raffle drawing at the Chinese New Year Celebration
  • Support class performance
  • Follow instruction to be seated in the parents seating area
  • Do not take students out of the theater while performances are in progress
  • Encourage students to dress up to reflect the festivity


職行要項 (To Do List)

  • 請穿著橘紅色安全背心,並在指定地點執行勤務。Please proceed to the assigned location for your safety patrol duty, wearing the orange safety jacket at all times while on duty.
  • 於上課期間執行勤務時,請在指定地點附近巡邏,並勸導家長勿在教室附近高聲交談,以確保安靜。Please patrol around your assigned location, and make sure that no other parents are talking outside the classrooms while classes are in session.
  • 於下課期間執行勤務時,請在指定地點附近巡邏,確保學生的安全,並防止學生破壞校方物品。During recess, please ensure the safety of the students outside classrooms, and make sure the students do not deface or destroy school properties.
  • 若遇緊急事件,請立即通知校方辦公室,或電911報警處理。In case of emergency, notify the school office, or call 911.
  • 若遇老師不在的班級,請派家長通知校方辦公室報備,並協助維持教室秩序。In case a teacher is absent from the classroom, please ask a parent to notify the office immediately, and help maintain the order of the classroom.
  • 請於執完勤務後將紅色被心或相關物品,儘速交回報到處。Please return the orange safety jacket and any apparatus to the security officer on duty after completing your safety patrol duty.

FCS Registration

74. 2015-2016 School Year Statistics:

  • Total Students: 532 (583 in 2014-2015)
  • Total Class Attendees: 768 (832 in 2014-2015)

75. Changes in 2015-2016 School Year Registration

  • Introduced online registration and 50% registrations were from online. Online registration submission helps to reduce processing workloads and improves information accuracy.
  • A student is placed in a class after completed registration form and payment check are received. In 2014-2015 or earlier school years, a student was placed in a class after registration form was received. New policy helps to reduce confusion and processing workloads because a class roster has only valid students.

76. Plans in 2016-2017 School Year Registration

  • Have 100% online registration submission and drop paper forms. Having registration PC stations in office for parents in need.
  • Online payment that allows a student’s registration completes after submitting online registration form
  • Improved and reduced registration process to make 2016-2017 registration processing more efficiently.

78. 校長總結,

79. 我們所做的一切都是為了學校和小朋友的也希望家長們能和我們一起為學校加油

© Fremont Chinese School, All rights reserved.