費利蒙中文學校 家長大會會議記錄 11/9/2013
1. 校委會報告( School Board Report)–林詠菁 (School Board Member)
大家好, 非常感謝各位2013-2014家長大會,介紹校委有七名,現任校長永敏,我代表卸任校長,現任的家長會長顏廷光,家長顧意玲, Luna, Judy, 前校長何台光七位,這學年將有兩位要退休,下學年4月會由家長們來競選,只要孩子在學校就讀,有20人提名,2/3的家長同意就可以當校委!
2. 校務報告(School Activities Report)–陳永敏 校長 (School Principal)
Good morning! Before we have 755 students, now 10 percent different. Smaller school is easy to control. There are 500 students from pk to 6 grade, 120 students from and 30 students from yoyo. This year we have 7 new teachers: 2 from AC class, 2 from regular class, 3 from class. Classroom issue this year influence a lot. I just want to remind you again , keep your eyes in classroom. We have been reported in damage. This is not good for us. Please check classroom assignment and ask teacher to sign. That is most important thing!
Later we will talk about school budget. Now I introduce our staff. Michelle is AC principal, James is sick today. The group leader, Amy is from Secretary. Sophia is from Academic. Computer group leader is Daniel. Discipline is Lee, Joanna is treasury. Other members: Shannon, Susan, Debby, Patty is PR, Edward, Rose. Melody responsible for school website.
Michelle(AC): 我負責學分班,高中部學分得到很多學區的證明,想拿學分或不想拿學分的都可以,學分會準備清單,星期六兩小時,花150元幫小孩準備,學分辦公室在room 24,小孩一學期可以最多5個缺席, 2個公假, 3個個人事假, 一次缺席不需補課, SAT考試拿permit進來不用補課, PSAT有收據也算,補課可以提前補,兩次補課時間為12/7,1/11,一次費用20元,沒有補課 成績會降低一個letter, 這是學區的要求! 8年級五月有分班考試,知道成績分配程度,leave 234, AP class教法比照AP考試,文化常識比賽,每個星期小孩要努力背誦參加比賽,有初中跟高中組兩種,我們過去有得名,如果是參加全美比賽暑假要訓練到八月.
Sophia(教務組):我負責學術比賽及老師的部份,今年學術比賽於1/18,以往鉛筆,書法跟注音在班上進行,今年放回學術比賽,學術比賽當天照常上課,沒放假,希望家長鼓勵學生參加,得名可代表學校參加北加聯,請鼓勵小朋友參加,還有小禮物可拿,上學年拿過第一名的人不能參加同組的比賽,可以跨到它組去,學分班不用請假拿證明給老師,高中生想申請大學,比賽得奬是很好的經歷,對將來都很好, Room checklist 請讓值班家長仔細check,不行就下星期交! 輪值家長不倒垃圾,按原位排列.垃圾往外面丟最好,請小孩不在教室吃東西,教室盡量請只留值班家長,不要太多家長在裡面怕干擾老師,如果留請支持學生上課!如果待在教室就支持老師,不然就待在家長休息室!
When the classroom will be lock? If after class, somebody come in to damage the classroom, how can we do about it?
On Sunday, after us, there's Indian class. We can try to do what we can do. The principal will create a checklist for each class room parents. What we done and show our spirit. Everyone follow the rules and try out best. We need to understand the relationship between two school, It's very important.
Lee(訓育組): Our duty is traffic safety. All parents have 1 kids need to do 2 duties per year, 2 kids need to do 4 duty per year, 3 kids please join staff. Safety is for kids and parents. Drive slowly, please do not block the parking lot. Temporary park please stay in the car. Duty schedule shown on the website. Which class on duty, the email will sent out list in advance. Early is 8:40am 10:30am, second round is 10:30am 12:00am, if the schedule is not fit, please come out to adjust. You have option to reschedule. Until the end of the school year, if you didn't finish, need to pay $50 fine. Front and back parking lot is for staffs and teachers, it's not for parents who serve on safety duty. Please stop when stop sign is raised. please do not make traffic jam. The purpose is to let the traffic flow smoothly. The staff in charge of safety duty got lots of emails from parents regarding safety duty, she is kind of busy. If you didn't get response in time please email to Principal instead, he can help you out.
3. 家長會報告( PTA Activities Report)–顏廷光 會長
I will retire next year. If someone is interesting to assume my position please contact me. Now PTA has 6 members. 2 is responsible for shopping for the food court, even though some members' kids don't study here anymore. We will have a fund raising event in December, every year chinese party. We ask for donation, but nobody want to donate, We will ask each class to donate $25. Through cooking food we raise our fund. If you know some kids are talent and we will invite them to show. Then we have teacher and staff appreciation party at the end of this year. We need to thank staff because everyone are volunteering.
Every Saturday we make money from food cout. How we deal with money? First, sponsor Christmas gift card for Irvington principal and teachers $950. Chinese new year event sponsor $3000. We give $5 bonus for students stay in school for up to 8 years. and more bonus for more years. Last year we gave out $1000. This year Academic competition we give attendance gift card for $900. We appreciate everyone enjoy the school. We need more people involved.
Especially mention about the December Fund raising event is going to Chinese new year event. Please ask all parents to come and buy food to collect money for prizes. Thanks every class donate $25 for this event. If you know any company can donate money, please let us know. In Chinese new year each class will do performance. We prefer group performance. We want to have fun together and to help the performance. We prefer groupperformance. I encourage everyone to buy raffle tickets. many people buy $20 raffle tickets and got iPad or more than $100 back.
4. 上學年與本學年度財務報告 Charles Chang 財務組長
School finance summary report we can from last year to see the performance and how we can do this year! Last year there is a loss. The big difference main reason is rent increase and another biggest expense is teacher salary which is 72%. Together with rent 27.23% already close 80%. Others is for the supply and all the paper. This year income we raise the tuition 40 dollars more than last year. This year unfortunately we lose 70 students. Also there will be more expense in teacher salary, every year increase 1 dollar for 2 years. We will try to control the loss. Encourage student attending December fundraising to raise other general expense. We can try to reduce the expense minimize the loss. Hope we can balance.
5. 臨時動議 (Immediate decision discussion)
Thanks Steve ask every class donate $25 gift cards and December Fund raising money will back to the students. Update the year book, last year decide mind not do this year. Some parents still hope we can continue. Thanks Lilian will take over this role. We look for sponsor for year book! Any company, Dentist, Insurance person, can support $100 for 2 pages and $600 more people will see. Every 1 student get one for free. This year we will have every class show one page. If you know anybody can support please tell principal.
Some class didn't get the year book last year. The year book suppose get before 2 weeks from the office. Last year C6 (This year C7) we can give the parents this year.
Fundraising event some parent never receive any email! The PTA sent to parents' representative. Some people told about 42 parents' representative never do anything. Then the teacher already pick up another representative. I believe you will receive from now on
Please email out to all the parents the year book sponsor application form. We can help to ask support. When is the Dec. fundraising ? 12/14. Because it is the last week before Christmas. It will hit the every class party. It is also important for every class. And we have make up class on 1/4. Finally decision we will update in the website.
Some parent suggest that we can create the facebook group. Because not every parent can grab the email and the website has some break. If we have facebook, every one can join and each class have notice in public site. We can see it on the way. Just need somebody to update the content. It will more correct and has automatic notice.
Lily explain about why the rent increase. The school district has the same situation with us. They need to raise staff salary 6 year 4.6%. They didn't raise for a long time. We have new library, update the heating system. All cost money. We have lots people use the property 1 billion dollars most build very old one.
Please respect the bathroom, it cost lots of money and very hard to maintain. If all the parents have issue, please told teachers and discuss with them. Don't directly go to shool. If no response, then can go to school.
We can send out the form and calculate how many people can come and have good preparation for Fundraising Event. Maybe we can ask donation from restaurant. If you know something please come to PTA. Some school use gift card to fundraising. But the card they charge limited money. Now our school is small and connot buy many items. The advertising form will try to set up and email out to every parent. Thanks every staffs offering in this thanksgiving season.