Fremont Chinese School is one of the largest Chinese school in the East Bay. We offer classes in Chinese language and electives, such as Chinese painting and Chinese yo-yo. Our students achieve exceptional results at competitions held by the ANCCS. There are also many community service opportunities available here.
FCS Supplementary Education Center/Program(SEP):
Accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Schools,
Western Association of Schools and Colleges(WASC).
費利蒙中文學校高中中文學分班 :
獲得西部學校與學院協會 (WASC) 學校認證委員會認證。
School Year 2024~2025 校內學術比賽優勝名單 Fremont Chinese School Internal Academic Contest Winners
感謝所有的參賽者,以下是得獎名單。 Thank you to all the contestants! Below is the 2024 Yearbook Cover Page Drawing Contest winner list. 第一名 The first Place : Arron Chang 張驈論 第二名 The second Place : Sophia Tang 唐慶玲 第三名 The third Place : Joanne Hsieh 謝天晴 佳作 Honorable Mention : Nicole_Chan 陳冠蓉 佳作 Honorable Mention : Jessica Kan 簡沛禧
第一名 The first Place: Arron Chang 張驈論
第二名 The second Place : Sophia Tang 唐慶玲
第三名 The third Place : Joanne Hsieh 謝天晴
佳作 Honorable Mention: Nicole Chan 陳冠蓉
佳作 Honorable Mention: Jessica Kan 簡沛禧
2024-25 學年度高中學分班分班考試開始接受報名
AC Placement Test for School Year 2024-25 Open for Registration
High School AC (Accredited Curriculum) Placement Test for School Year 2024-2025 is now open for registration. The registration deadline is 3/1/2024. The test date is 3/2/2024. Please click link below for registration and related rules.
校園參觀日 Open House day
click here to make a reservation:
School Year 2023~2024 校內學術比賽優勝名單 Fremont Chinese School Internal Academic Contest Winners
2023-24 學年度學分班分班考試開始接受報名
AC Placement Test for School Year 2023-24 Open for Registration
AC (Accredited Curriculum) Placement Test for School Year 2023-2024 is now open for registration. The registration deadline is 8/19/2023. Please click link below for registration and related rules.
2023-2024 學年度註冊開始接受網上報名
School Year 2023-2024 online registration starts
註冊鏈接點擊這裡 Registration link click here
支付學費的方式:暑假期間只接受網上支付。Online payment only during summer break(5/28/2023 - 8/18/2023).
網上繳費教程視頻如下。 Online payment tutorial video as below.
感謝所有的參賽者,以下是得獎名單。 Thank you to all the contestants! Below is the 2023 Yearbook Cover Page Drawing Contest winner list. 第一名 The first Place : Sophia Tang 唐慶玲 第二名 The second Place : 張莉恩 第三名 The third Place : Ryan Tiong 佳作 Honorable Mention : Josephine Tay
第一名 The first Place: Sophia Tang 唐慶玲
第二名 The second Place : 張莉恩
第三名 The third Place : Ryan Tiong
佳作 Honorable Mention: Josephine Tay
校園參觀日 Open House day
click here to make a reservation:
2023-24 學年度學分班分班考試開始接受報名
AC Placement Test for School Year 2023-24 Open for Registration
AC (Accredited Curriculum) Placement Test for School Year 2023-2024 is now open for registration. The registration deadline is 2/25/2023. The test date is 3/4/2023. Please click link below for registration and related rules.
2022~2023 校內學術比賽優勝名單 Fremont Chinese School Internal Academic Contest Winners
9:30am -12:15pm Sat. 11/19/2022 IHS courtyard 費利蒙中文學校小吃義賣, 為2023新春活動籌款. FCS Food Fundraising for 2023 Lunar New Year Celebration.
2022 萬聖節化妝比賽 Halloween Costume Contest:
1st place: Yu-Xuan Chiu(11), 2nd place: 顏于恩(41), 3rd place: Stefanie da Cruz(301).
9:30am -12:30pm Sat. 10/22/2022 IHS courtyard participants: PK班: 滷肉飯, 茶葉蛋, 棉花糖 K1班: 手工餅乾, Spam Musubi 31班: old books, old toys, old crafts 41班: 茶葉蛋, 檸檬愛玉, 鮮肉蘇皮 61班: books, school supplies 珠心算班: 玩具糖果驚喜包、飲料、Carnival Games
恭賀本校沈燦老師、黃賜梅老師、謝明暐老師、以及陳文珮老師榮獲 北加州中文學校聯合會2022優良教師。 北加州中文學校聯合會在9月25日2pm-4pm,在金山灣區華僑文教中心公開表揚,並且頒發獎牌。
2022-23 學年度學分班分班考試開始接受報名
AC Placement Test for School Year 2022-23 Open for Registration
AC (Accredited Curriculum) Placement Test for School Year 2022-2023 is now open for registration. The registration deadline is 8/13/2022. Please click link below for registration and related rules.
2022-2023新選修課 - 成人纖體瑜珈塑身
實體上課, Sat. 10:00am-10:50am at Irvington High School 許珮漪(Becky)老師教授 要自帶瑜珈墊
2022年畢業典禮 Graduation Ceremony
06/04/2022 10:00am〜12:00pm Irvington Conservatory Theater Irvington High School Fremont, CA
感謝所有的參賽者,以下是得獎名單。 Thank you to all the contestants! Below is the 2022 Yearbook Cover Page Drawing Contest winner list. 第一名 The first Place:Class 301 班 - 張瑜庭 / Estee Teo 第二名 The second Place:Class C8 班 - 張自聲 / Ryan Tiong 第三名 The third Place: Class 51 班 - 唐慶玲 / Sophia Tang 佳作 Honorable Mention: Class 31 班 - 林瑞恩 / Ryan Lin
FCS 50 週年紀念 T-shirt
FCS 50th anniversary T-shirt
今年是我們學校的50週年,學校特別製作50週年T-shirt 回饋給每一位同學,來慶祝這個我們一起達成的里程碑。 請填寫的T-shirt 尺寸選擇表。 👉 請於5/21/2022以前填寫表格。 👉 每一位同學只有一件免費, 所以每一位同學只需要填寫一次。 👉 T-shirt 會在學年最後一次上課日(06/04/2022)發放。 ☀️ 50週年T-shirt 義賣 ☀️ 只有一件不夠,怎麼辦? 您現在可以在學校官網訂購 50週年T-shirt!點擊 “Online Payment” 然後選 “Other Fees” 5/21/2022以前購買,可以在06/04領取! This year is FCS’s 50th anniversary, so we are making 50th anniversary T-shirt and give it to every student for celebrating the milestone we achieve together. Please fill out the size selection form below. 👉 Please submit the form by 5/21/2022. 👉 Each student receives one T-shirt for FREE, so Each student should only submit ONCE. 👉 Each student receives one T-shirt for FREE. 👉 T-shirt will be given out on the last day of the school year(06/04). ☀️ 50th anniversary T-shirt Fundraising Sale ☀️ What to do if I want more than one T-shirt? You can now order the T-shirt on our school official website! Click “Online Payment” then select “Other Fees” Order by 5/21/2022 and pick up on 06/04/2022!
2022-23 學年度 AP Chinese班 跳級考試開始接受報名
AP assessment test registration
You are eligible to sign up the FCS AP Placement Test if you meet the following requirements: 1) You are a high school student. 2) You are currently a Chinese Level 3 student for school year 2021-22. 3) Non-FCS student need to provide official transcript with grade A or above in Chinese level 3 for the first semester of school year 2021-22. The registration deadline is 05/08/2022 FCS AP Placement Test *** In Person *** Date: 05/14/2022 Time: 2:00pm to 5:00pm Place: 2nd floor, Culture Center of TECO in San Francisco (Milpitas) 100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035, U.S.A.
2022-2023 學年度註冊接受報名
School Year 2022-2023 registration
School Year 2022-2023 registration tutorial video
本校同學參與北加州中文學校聯合會2021-2022 ANCCS 學術比賽得獎名單。恭喜得獎同學。
2022年刊封面比賽 2022 Yearbook Cover Page Drawing Contest
費利蒙中文學校2022年刊封面比賽開始接收收件了,主題是 「費利蒙中文學校與我」。費利蒙中文學校五十歲了,不管在校時間長短,一年、二年、甚至是十年,十一年,每位同學都有屬於自己的費利蒙中文學校的記憶,畫出你對費利蒙中文學校最鮮明的印象 ! The 2022 Yearbook Cover Page Contest has begun. Drawing Topic:”Fremont Chinese School And I”. Fremont Chinese School is 50 year old. No matter how long you have been attending Fremont Chinese School, every student has its own Fremont Chinese School Moment. Draw the most vivid image you have about Fremont Chinese School !
2022 Yearbook Coverage Contest Rules
Before 4/23/2022, you may submit your artwork JPEG by email to
今年本校有3位教師榮獲僑務委員會海外中文學校資深優良教師獎,分別是 莊幼春老師(三十年優良教師) 李娜亞老師(五年優良教師) 蕭幼鳳老師(五年優良教師) 其中莊幼春老師30年的教師生涯裡,有27年都是在費利蒙中文學校度過,而且今年是老師的第三十一年! 我們也要再一次的感恩蕭老師,蕭老師這一生教導過無數的學生,發光發熱,不負此生!
恭賀本校陳麗玲老師、張淑惠老師、林凱蘋老師、以及李娜亞老師榮獲 北加州中文學校聯合會2021優良教師。 北加州中文學校聯合會將在9月26日2pm-4pm,在金山灣區華僑文教中心公開表揚,並且頒發獎牌,請至北加州中文學校聯合會的臉書網頁觀賞現場實況轉播。
Textbook drive-thru pickup guide
date: 08/14/2021(Sat) time: 10-11am place: Irvington high school horseshoe parking lot note: the above notice is not for C6/C7/C8, AC classes) The tuition fee does not include textbook for AC and bilingual C6/C7/C8 students.
一個不幸的消息: 蕭幼鳳老師過世
各位家長,老師, 我很遺憾的要跟大家宣佈這個的消息, 本校任教4年級學科班的蕭幼鳳老師在 07/11/2021 中午 12:13pm 不幸過世。 對我來說,很震驚,也很難過。 蕭老師是一位盡職的好老師,對學生很有愛心,也跟家長有很好的溝通,對學校而言,是一個無法彌補的損失。 👉如果您曾經與蕭老師有任何互動,想跟大家分享,或是您的孩子曾經是蕭老師的學生,有什麼話想對老師說的,請寄給我,我會一起轉答給蕭老師的家人。 請與我一起感念蕭老師的付出, 一同為蕭老師以及老師的家人祈福。 Hi parents and teachers, I am regret to announce this sad news to you: Our 4th grade tradition Chinese teacher Yu-Fong Xiao has passed away on 07/11/2021 12:13pm. I felt shocked and I am deeply sadden by the news. Teacher Xiao is a good and dedicated teacher. She was deeply caring for the students and she also communicated well with the parents. This is a truly irreparable loss to our school. 👉If you want to share your interaction story with Teacher Xiao. Or your kid had been Teacher Xiao's student and wants to say something. Please email to me. I'll gather the response and send them to Teacher Xiao's family. Please join me in memorializing Mr. Xiao for her dedication, and pray for Teacher Xiao and her family. 謝謝大家 Thank you Jerry Yang 楊濟豪 費利蒙中文學校校長 Principal - Fremont Chinese School Fremont Chinese School, P.O. Box 1309, Fremont, CA 94538
2021 畢業典禮 Graduation online zoom Ceremony
明天是我們一年一度的畢業典禮,不可避免的,今年將在線上舉辦, 歡迎大家一起來慶祝,也一起來祝福我們的畢業生! 請參見畢業典禮的節目單(in your email)。 FCS 2021 畢業典禮 Graduation Ceremony 06/05/2021, 10:00am-11:30am Zoom ID: 849 3252 4798 Passcode: see your email or contact Principal Hi parents, Tomorrow is our once a year Graduation Ceremony. Inevitably, the ceremony is going to be online this year. Come join us in celebrating our graduates! Please see the graduation ceremony program sheet as attached. Please be advised that, by tradition, this event will be mostly in Mandarin Chinese. Thank you for your understanding. Jerry Yang 楊濟豪 費利蒙中文學校校長 Principal - Fremont Chinese School
FCS's 2021 Got Talent 才藝比賽 得獎名單 FGT winner list
感謝所有的參賽者,以及參加直播現場的觀眾 ! 我們由現場觀眾投下心目中的第一、二、三名,以及最佳服裝,最佳人氣獎, 其中一二三名經過加權計票後,有兩位並列第一名 ! 以下是2021 FCS’s Got Talent 才藝比賽的得獎名單 。 Thank you to all the contestants and live audiences ! Every live audience voted for her or his first, second, third place, best dressed award, and the popularity award winners. And the first, second, and third place winners were decided after weighted calculating the voting result. And we got 2 first place winners ! Below is the 2021 FCS’s Got Talent winner list. 第一名 The first Place: Class 501 - Katherine Lin 林愷恩 第一名 The first Place: Class 81 - Peter Shr 施柏恩 第三名 The third Place: Class 51 - I-En Chung 鐘倚恩 最佳服裝獎 The best dressed award: Class 51 - Chloe Chao 趙克宜 & Samantha Tang 湯莎 最佳人氣獎 The popularity award: Class 61 - Natasha Kuo 郭芷安
2021-2022 學年度註冊開始接受報名
School Year 2021-2022 registration starts now
2021-22 學年度 AP Chinese班 跳級考試開始接受報名
AP assessment test registration
Fremont Chinese School will be hosting an AP assessment test for the high school students who will be completing level 3 in June 2021. The test will be held on 5/15/2021 from 2 pm to 5 pm at Zoom. Due to the pandemic, the AP assessment test is going to be held online. If you are interested, please register and pay it online by 5/9/2021. If student passed the test, he/she will be eligible to attend the AP class in August 2021.
校友開講《從高中到大學之路II》FCS Alumni Forum
邀請四位本校畢業的優秀校友,分享挑選科系的升學經驗、離鄉別井的心路歷程,與赴笈海外留學的苦與樂,幫助對升學一頭霧水的家長打通任督二脈、豁然開朗,對在高中躍躍欲試的學生指點迷津、醍醐灌頂。 活動時間:5/8/2021 7PM PDT 視訊會議: Passcode參見校長的電子郵件 Our alumni/college students come back to share their college experience from the perspectives of their school/major.
FCS Got Talent! 費利蒙中文學校第一屆才藝比賽
「懷才不遇」曾經是古代書生的遺憾,時移世易,我們不用再埋怨生不逢時、被青春耽誤了。人才濟濟的費利蒙中文學校,考慮到各位臥虎藏龍蹲在家裡太久、長期韜光養晦悶壞了也不是辦法,特別為本校學生、家長提供一個舞台讓大家鋒芒畢露、發熱發光——「FCS Got Talent 才藝比賽」。 子曰:「不患人之不己知。」在這裡,才藝不會被埋沒,參賽者憑著朝氣勃勃的真本領,將會散發出萬丈光芒,讓觀眾讚歎折服,一方面小試牛刀,同時與眾同樂,一舉兩得!各位準備好了嗎?心動不如馬上行動,趕快在家錄影,讓大家讚美您那耀眼奪目的才華吧! 才藝類別不限,以下僅供舉例:樂器演奏,唱歌(語言不限,牙牙學語亦可),讀唐詩,口技如模仿消防車警號、beatbox,說笑話,相聲,跳舞(不管是現代舞、街舞還是龍飛鳳舞),功夫,魔術表演等。表演者不限只是學生 , 老師和家長爸爸 、 媽媽 、 爺爺 、 奶奶 , 都可以單獨表演 ,當然也歡迎各班各個家庭組隊表演哦~ Are you bored at home? No problem, Fremont Chinese School is going to hold the "FCS Got Talent" contest at 05/15/2021 (Saturday) 7PM. No matter you are fluent in beatbox, outstanding in singing, incredibly good in comedy, excellent in dancing, or whatever, this is the perfect moment to show off. Teachers, parents, grandparents and students are all welcome to perform!
* 參加辦法:本校師生、家長,錄影一段短片,05/08/2021 (星期六) 前 email 至活動組 ,註明參賽人中英文名字,註明學生班級及姓名。人數不限、年齡不限、短片時間長度不限(建議長度不超過3分鐘)。 * 網路播放:05/15/2021 (星期六) 7PM 請各位觀眾準時收看和投票。 * 獎勵辦法:以網路投票挑選五名優勝者。獎項共五名:第一名獎金$50,第二名$30,第三名$20以資鼓勵,另設「最佳服裝獎」及「網路人氣獎」乙名。凡參賽均獲得特製紀念品一份。 Just record a short video clip (preferably <3min) and send to by 05/08/2021 (Saturday). Then at 05/15/2021 (Saturday) 7PM, FCS will host the contest in a Zoom meeting and let the audience's jaw drop on the floor! The winners will be decided by the audience. The first place will get $50, the first and second runner up will get $30 and $20 respectively. In addition, the Best Dressed Award and the Popularity Award will be announced at the end of the show. Don't be shy, just let the camera roll and action!
Before 5/8/2021, you may submit your video file or link by email to
2021年刊封面比賽 2021 Yearbook Cover Page Drawing Contest
費利蒙中文學校2021年刊封面比賽開始接收收件了,主題是 「十二生肖之一」,自由發揮。可以是印象派畫一隻豐腴澎拜的「豬」展現朦朧之美,或是嶺南畫派以水墨渲染猛「虎」出山,也可以描繪一隻刻苦耐勞的水「牛」展現剛毅不屈的精神,甚至可以是抽像派風格只畫一條曲線以留白代表在荒漠爬行的一條「蛇」! The 2021 Yearbook Cover Page Contest has begun, the topic is “one of the Chinese Zodiac”.
2021 Yearbook Coverage Contest Rules
Before 4/30/2021, you may submit your artwork JPEG by email to
本校同學參與北加州中文學校聯合會2020-2021 ANCCS 學術比賽得獎名單。恭喜得獎同學。
14 Mar
恭喜本校劉怡婷、張瑜庭同學參與2021 北加州中文學校聯合會牛年賀年卡比賽得獎
新春聯歡 明天(2/20/2021)早上十點
歡迎明天上線觀賞我們的師生所準備的節目,節目將於十點準時開始,開始前十分鐘就可以上線。來看看自己的孩子的表演,也來幫其他的小朋友加油喔! 您的 Zoom ID 上 Zoom 時,請在您的 Zoom ID 加上 parent 以及自己小孩的班級, 例如:parent_PK_王大明 也請提醒您的孩子,請在 Zoom ID 加上 student 以及班級, 例如:student_PK_王小明 節目過程中,請關閉您的 mic & video。 大家明天見!
線上新春聯歡 Online Lunar New Year Party
2/20/2021, 10:00am-12:30pm
Zoom ID: 734 8537 6471
Zoom Passcode: FCSNewYear
2021-22 學年度學分班分班考試開始接受報名
AC Placement Test for School Year 2021-22 Open for Registration
AC (Accredited Curriculum) Placement Test for next school year is now open for registration. The registration deadline is 2/27/2021. Due to the pandemic, the AC placement test is going to be held online. Please click link below for registration and related rules.
11 Feb
恭賀新禧, 新年快樂, 萬事如意
5 Feb
新春聯歡會 & 彩券義賣
Lunar New Year Party & Fundraising Raffle Ticket Sales
新春聯歡 Lunar New Year Party
Date/Time: 2/20/2021, 10:00am-12:30pm
Zoom ID: 734 8537 6471
Zoom Passcode: FCSNewYear
彩券購買以及抽獎辦法 Raffle Ticket Order Form and Raffle Drawing Rules
The annual Lunar New Year Celebration party will be held on 2/20. Although it will be held online due to the pandemic, the most popular raffle remains the same. The raffle ticket is now for sale until 2/19. Purchasing before 2/14 gets extra tickets. Click link above for details.
16 Jan
2020~2021 校內學術比賽優勝名單 Fremont Chinese School Internal Academic Contest Winners
20 Nov
恭喜本校同學參與2020 北加州中文學校聯合會特舉辦漢字文化節系列活動『成語故事大家説』學藝競賽獲得優良成績:
初中組第1名: 潘宇昀 Charleen Pan (82 班)
高中組第1名: 潘宇雯 Joleen Pan (302 班)
14 Nov
家長大會 All Parent Assembly
8 Nov
萬聖節化妝比賽投票結果! Halloween Costume Contest Voting Result !
14 Sep
國語演講比賽/高年級組 特優:潘宇雯 Joleen Pan (302 班)
多媒體簡報比賽/高年級組 季軍: 潘宇雯Joleen Pan (302 班)、潘宇昀 Charleen Pan (82 班)
16 Aug
5 Aug
If you are thinking about attending Fremont Chinese School's AC classes, or you have registered for it, but you haven’t taken FCS provided placement test, you have to take this test. This is the last AC placement test for 2020-21 school year. Registration deadline is 08/10. Please register ASAP.
Online registration form , deadline is 2020/08/10
3 Aug
22 Jul
Due to the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, Fremont USD decided to start the new semester with distance learning model.
Following the FUSD decision, Fremont Chinese School is going to convert all in-class lessons to synchronous online lessons, including all of CSL classes and portion of elective classes. Classes is still scheduled on Saturdays between 9am-1pm, the same as in-class lessons.
Amongst elective classes, basketball, tennis, soccer, line dancing, Chinese Input, and Tabata will be cancelled. (Chinese input and Tabata still have online classes available.)
It’s worth mentioning that, starting from the new school year, both Chinese Yo-Yo and Craft classes will be taught also in synchronous online lessons.
In terms of when to go back to in-class learning, it will depend on how the pandemic evolves and if FUSD decides to go back to school. Most importantly, we’ll make the decision based on the assessment of our own situation. The ultimate goal is to ensure the safety of our students, parents, and teachers.
9 Jun
7 Jun
費利蒙中文學校今年因為疫情無法如期舉辦 2020 年畢業典禮,決定 2021 年再邀請今年的畢業生回校參加。雖然沒有大型的畢業典禮,但是本校 AP 中文班的張雅雯(Apple)老師仍然十分用心,在 6 月 6 日最後一堂課時,邀請所有家長參加並見證畢業生們在高中生涯的最後一堂中文課,共同慶祝這個特別的時刻。在最後一堂的線上課中,張老師不但分享學生所學、安排學生互動、家長們致詞,更給予畢業生們最真誠的祝福。最後,歡樂及感動的小型線上畢業典禮,在大家的合照中,劃下了溫馨又難忘的句點。
4 May
Congratulations to the winners of the 2020 Yearbook Cover Page Contest! All works submitted will be published in yearbook.2020
25 Apr
The first online vote on the yearbook cover page will be open until April 30, 2020. Please vote to make history. Drawing topic: “Favorite Chinese Folk Custom Activities” Vote2020
17 Apr
06 Apr
16 Mar
Fremont Chinese School will be hosting an AP assessment test for the high school students who will be completing level 3 in June 2020. The test will be held on 5/9 from 2 pm to 5 pm at CC of TECO (100 S Milpitas Blvd, Milpitas, CA 95035).2020
13 Mar
[ FCS Urgent Notification ]2020
7 Feb
On March 7 Fremont Chinese School will host an Open House for the parents and students who are interested in the Chinese language program and the elective classes offered by Fremont Chinese School.
Please sign up here if you are interested
31 Jan
AC (Accredited Curriculum) placement test will be held on Saturday (3/14). Class 81 will stay at their regular room for the test. All other classes 8th grade students and non FCS students will be at room# 81. No make up test will be provided. Please plan ahead if you want to register FCS AC class. We will have AC placement test parents meeting on 2/8. For non FCS current students may register online. FCS AC Placement Test Registration (Not for current FCS students)。
30 Jan
成語在中華文化中具有非常重要的地位。由於成語在歷經了千百年的流傳和使用下, 已經成為漢語中穩定的辭彙。不管時代如何移轉,它都有著豐富活潑的生命力,因為成語 不僅有精彩的典故且寓有深意。即使在科技昌明的今日,成語仍是生活常用的語彙。 相信不但能在學生的日常生活上表情達意貼切的交流,更能在學生的寫作能力上如虎添翼, 在文章中達到畫龍點睛的作用。
根據擔任美國大學理事會中文 AP 考試閱卷老師的說明,在 AP 考試的作文中使用適當的成 語是一個非常重要的得分點。希望同學們都能增加使用成語的能力。
時間: 2020年5月3日(星期日) 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
地點: 金山灣區華僑文教服務中心
FCS 2020 年度北加州成語/常用詞語比賽報名
30 Jan
29 Jan
21 Jan
The annual FCS Chinese New Year Celebration is going to be held on 1/25/2020, 10am~2pm at Irvington High School Valhalla Theater, please download Program , Important Parents Reminder and Parents Seating Chart
30 Jan
26 Dec
The 2019-2020 yearbook coverage contest rules had been released, Please click below link to download
08 Dec
16 Nov
Congregate to student Justin Wei and his mother Yuen Chun Chan won the first place of CSL 3rd – 5th grade Parent-Child Storytelling contest held by ANCCS.
11 Aug
Congratulations! FCS students Emma Wang, Audrey Wand and William Yang received 3rd place in Chinese Culture contest under high school student group held by National Council of Associations of Chinese Language Schools (NCACLS) last weekend. Under the short period of time training by teacher Katy Wu and Yuchi Honda, FCS is so proud of them especially Audrey and Willian are not even junior high school students. Not only that, Emma Wang and Audrey Wand also received their honorable mention award of the multimedia presentation contest.
04 Jul
感謝所有參與的家長及學生們、扯鈴老師趙明 、活動組組長 Susan 、電腦組長 Daniel ,尤其是陳俊茵及吳文杰前校長也為行列的後盾 。除了慶祝七月四月國慶外,由於你們的加入,也讓費利蒙中文學校再次走入社區,讓更多人知道費利蒙中文學校。
14 Jun
恭喜本校榮獲朱感生眾議員頒贈榮譽狀以表彰本校在語言與文化教育上的卓越成就與貢獻! Congratulate Fremont Chinese School received Certificate of Recognition from Assemblymember Kansen Chu!
8 Jun
31 May
Congratulation to our Chinese Yoyo team Leia Wong, Vivian Shiang and Caden Tan won the best team for ANCCS Talent Show.
13 May
Congregations to FCS student Hugo Lin who is the first ever to receive The President’s Volunteer Service Award!
Fremont Chinese School has been approved as an official certified Organization for The President's Volunteer Service Award. The ability to bestow Presidential recognition to your volunteers is a tremendous honor. If you are interested in being a volunteer of FCS, please fill out the STUDENT VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Hours are measured over a 12-month period (9/1 – 8/31)
4 May
Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 Yearbook Cover Page Contest! Thanks to all the participants!
29 Apr
Dear Parents/Teachers,
Please join us to congratulate FCS students who won the group 3rd place and personal honorable mention for the group under 12 years old.
The group under 12 years old
3rd Place: William Yang and Chloe Ku
Personal honorable mention: Chloe Ku
After yesterday's competition, the school decided to change the idiom course for next school year from half-semester to one school year. Please encourage students to register and it is a very good training for students.
14 Apr
Congratulations to the students who received the awards from ANCCS Multimedia Presentation Contest. Emma Wang and Audrey Wang won the first place. They will represent north California to participate national contest in summer. Looking forward to hearing their good news. Alison Lau and Christina Wong also did a good job to introduce “Story of Yanxi Palace” famous Chinese drama and received the Honorable Mention Award. The topic for first place will keep in secret after summer national contest. 😊 No matter what, this would be a very special experience for students. Hopefully, we will have more students to participate next year.
3 Apr
The upcoming 9th grader AC Placement Test for new/transfer students will be held on 9/7 (9:30am to 10:20am) at Room 82. Please arrive earlier by 9:15am. $30 registration fee is due on the test date. Please issue a check payable to 'FCS'.
If there is any questions, please contact AC Class staff at the main office (Room 24).
31 Mar
捷報!本校學生參加3月31日北加州中文學聯合會學術比賽成績斐然! 四位第一名、二位第二名、三位第三名名三位佳佳作共12位獲獎同學。 恭喜所有獲奬學生!也感謝所有參與評審、監考以及召集的老師、幹事和家長們!獲奬學生名單如下
19 Mar
15 Mar
The 2018-2019 yearbook coverage contest rules had been released, Please click below link to download
2 Mar
Fremont Chinese School will be hosting an AP assessment test for the high school students who will be completing level 3 in June 2019. The test will be held on 5/11 from 2pm to 5pm at FCS South Grimmer Office (44555 S. Grimmer Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538).
If you are interested, please register online and turn in the application fee $30 (check payable to "FCS") by 4/30 to the Office (Room 24). There are three parts in the test: written, oral and essay (requires Chinese typing using computer). The students need to bring their own laptop, power cord and USB flash drive to the test center. The result of the test will be sent through email before September 2019. If student passed the test, he/she will be eligible to attend the AP class in September 2019.
15 Feb
Year of the Pig Chinese New Year Celebration Video
Year of the Pig Chinese New Year Celebration Photo (Lawrence)
Academic Contest Winner Award presentation Photo (Lawrence)
13 Feb
The upcoming 9th grader AC Placement Test for new/transfer students will be held on 3/16 (10am to 10:50am) at Room 82. $30 registration fee is due on the test date. Please issue a check payable to 'Fremont Chinese School'.
There is no registration needed for current FCS students. The placement test will be held at home classroom for class 81 and 82 students. All other eligible students will take the test at room 82.
If there is any questions, please contact AC Class staff at the main office (Room 24).
8 Feb
Parents please encourage students who are in 6th grade and above to attend the Chinese Culture and History classes and contest. This course will be focusing on the Chinese culture and history.
If you would like to participate in the ANCCS Chinese culture contest, you will be eligible for attending the free classes focusing on preparing the ANCCS contest on 5/5/2019 after you finished this course.
The classes will be cancelled if there are less than 8 students registered. Please write a check to FCS in the amount of $160
This Saturday (1/26) is the Food Festival and fundraising event. The Food Festival provides a great opportunity for everyone to explore different Chinese food and snacks. We'll have a flea market booth offering stationery items, books, toys, and gifts.2018
Fremont Chinese School (FCS) was established in 1972, serving more than 500 students in the Bay Area currently. FCS is going to have adult Beginner Mandarin Chinese class start from school year 2019-2020. If you are adult and interested, you may complete Interest survey form. There is no obligation to register or pay tuition now. You will receive notification once the class is open for enrollment.2018
FUSD had announced to cancel tomorrow all schools and activities. After checking with IHS, FCS also needs to cancel this Saturday (11/17) class. 11/24 is Thanksgiving holiday. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving break2018
14 Nov
In order to enhance the communication between teacher, school and student/parents, please help to fill out the survey by 11/30/182018
09 Nov
Due to the poor air quality , Fremont schools cancelled all outdoor activities today. It looks like that the air quality will be also unhealthy for outdoor activities tomorrow. FCS also decided to cancel all outdoor classes, Basketball, Soccer, Tennis and Chinese Yoyo . However, the students will have a choice to stay at room # 82. We will have teacher prepare some activities for student.2018
07 Nov
FCS Academic Contest online enrollment will be close on 11/17 12:30pm. Please verify the information for accuracy. Please encourage students to participate as no class except for AC classes on contest date 1/19/2019. If you have any question, you may check with office at room# 24 or email to Mindy Tu at
28 Oct
恭喜本校學生在2018北加州祭孔大典論語中英文朗誦比賽中包辦了青少年組第二名( 潘宇雯 Joleen Pan)、第三名( 王雅宣 Audrey Wang)及佳作( 王佑文 Emma Wang)。2018
27 Oct
Thank you for staffs and board member's hard working. We received lots of positive feedback for FUSD School Board Candidate forum on 10/27/18 held by FCS.2018
28 Sep
Dear parents and teachers,
Due to IHS has power outage issue and will not be fixed until next Monday, we had received the notification to cancel all the classrooms tomorrow. In this case, we have no choice but to cancel all classes except for AC classes tomorrow 9/29. Picture day will be postponed to next week 10/6/18.
AC classes will receive the other email to inform class locations.
Sorry for the inconvenience
13 Sep
Congratulations to our student Joleen Pan to receive her Chinese speech contest award of National Council of Association of Chinese Language Schools academic competition among the 20 Chinese language students from all over the United States on August 4th 2018 in Detroit.
12 Sep
Fremont Unified School District School Board is going to have an election of two seats on 11/6/2018. Seven candidates will run in this race, Norman Howell, Dianne Jones, Fahria Khan, Hua Li, Hiu Ng, Larry Sweeney, Sylvia Wong. To understand our candidate's positions and leadership in advocacy, Fremont Chinese School will host a "School Board Candidate Forum" on 10/27/2018, providing an equal and fair opportunity to express opinions. As seats are limited, we invite you to register now.
- Time: 10/27/2018 Saturday 9:30-11:30AM
- Location: Irvington High School Library, 41800 Blacow Rd, Fremont, CA 94538
- Registration Form
6 Sep
Fremont Chinese School has been approved as an official certified Organization for The President's Volunteer Service Award.The ability to bestow Presidential recognition to your volunteers is a tremendous honor.
If you are interested in being a volunteer of FCS, please fill out the form and turn in at office room #24 to academic group.
Hours are measured over a 12-month period (9/1 – 8/31)
5 Sep
FCS is offering SAT II Chinese Prep Class. The class will be held at FCS Grimmer Office (44555 S. Grimmer Blvd) every Saturday from 1:30pm to 3:30pm , starting from 9/15/2018 to 10/27/2018, total 7 weeks. Tuition is $175. The SAT II Chinese test date will be on 11/3. If you are interested, please register online using the below link. The tuition is due before you attend the first class. Thank you!
**Note: The class will be cancelled if the number of student enrolled is less than 8.
16 Aug
8 Jul
感謝陳麗玲、趙明老師和到場的扯鈴班同學及家長頂著大太陽參加華運會,精彩的表演讓費利蒙中文學校再次在華人社區中增加曝光,讓更多人認識FCS,昨日甚至有他校的中文學校校長來了解如何介紹他們這學期搬到Fremont的家長到本校註冊、也有人詢問是否他們的學生可只到本校註冊扯鈴班。這都是各位全體扯鈴班師生對學校的支持,謝謝你們! Photos
4 Jul
在此分享一下我今天才了解到為何學校校旗是綠色,猜猜..原來是源自第一任校長的高中母校 "小綠綠"。 Photos
7 May
Fremont Chinese School will be hosting an AP assessment test for the high school students who will be completing level 3 in June 2018. The test will be held on 5/19 from 2pm to 5pm at FCS South Grimmer Office (44555 S. Grimmer Blvd, Fremont, CA 94538). If you are interested, please register online and turn in the application fee $25 (check payable to "FCS") by 5/12 to the Office (Room 24). The are are three parts in the test: written, oral and essay (requires Chinese typing using computer). The students need to bring their own laptop, power cord and USB flash drive to the test center. The result of the test will be sent through email before September 2018. If the student passed the test, he/she will be eligible to attend the AP class in September 2018.2018
29 Apr
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 Yearbook Cover Page Contest! Thanks to all the participants!
17 APR
30 Mar
Please see attached detail contest rules for FCS 2018 Yearbook Cover Contest. Please submit the artwork on or before the due date 4/14.2018
26 Mar
19 Mar
The incoming 9th grader AC Placement Test for the new or transfer students will be held on 4/14 from 10am to 10:50am at Room 71. $20 registration fee is due on the test date. Please issue a check payable to 'Fremont Chinese School'.2018
16 Mar
The AC (Accredited Curriculum) placement test will be held at 10am on Saturday 3/17 from 10am to 10:50am for FCS students. The notification has already been sent out to the incoming 9th graders and age eligible students. There is no make up test, so please do not be absent. If there is any questions, please contact the AC Class staff at the main office (Room 24). Class 81 students, will be taking the test at their current classrooms. All other age eligible students will take the test at Room 71 (Parents Break Room) .2018
15 Mar
恭喜本校學生參加北加聯2018狗年新年海報比賽表現優異! 為校爭光! Photos2018
9 Mar
IHS informed the below classroom changes effective on 3/10. Room 43 (Class 304) change to Room 21 Room 64 (Class P1, T1, G1, G2) change to Room 106.2018
28 Feb
All parents of incoming 9th Graders,2018
25 Feb
Year of the Dog Chinese New Year Celebration Video
Year of the Dog Chinese New Year Celebration Photo (Lawrence)
Year of the Dog Chinese New Year Celebration Photo (Larry)
22 Feb
The annual FCS Chinese New Year Celebration is going to be held on 2/24/2018, 10am~2pm at Irvington High School Valhalla Theater, please download Program, and also please download reminders 👉 English version, 中文版2018
21 Feb
Is it too late to purchase Chinese New Year Celebration raffle tickets?
No, it's not too late. With over 80 prizes in the drawing, it is expected to be an exciting event! Your last day to purchase your raffle tickets is Feb. 24.
You can purchase raffle tickets on 2/24 at the Main Office (Room 24), Theater or PTA booth. The cost is $1 per ticket.
Here's the list of Amazing prizes for the Chinese New Year Celebration Raffle Drawing.
Top 5:
19 Jan
Saturday (1/20) is the FCS academic contest day.2017
12 Dec
Dear Parents,2017
12 Dec
Dear Parents,2017
17 Nov
恭喜本校學生參加11月5日北加聯『說成語故事』學藝競賽表現優異! 為校爭光! 值得驕傲!
10 Nov
FCS Parent Meeting will be held at IHS Library (Room 900) at 10am on Saturday (11/11). If this is your first time to attend, the library is the round building located adjacent to the horseshoe parking lot. We will be discussing key topics affecting academic programs and activities. There are two (2) key proposals: FCS Bylaws and tuition increase. We will have an open dialogue to discuss the changes and amendments, then FCS Leadership/Board and parents will vote on the proposals. As an all-volunteer operated school, we rely on your participation for the children’s continued success. Please drop by to show your support.
2 Nov
[Academic Contest]
FCS Academic Contest application forms will be distributed on Saturday 11/4. We will be using paper application forms this year. The student’s name, ID and age group will be printed on the application form. Parents, please verify the information for accuracy. If you find any errors, please contact the Academic Group immediately. The contest rules, items, and schedule are posted on the FCS web site (see link below). Each student can apply up to 3 contests. Parents, please encourage your child/children to participate. The application deadline is 12:00pm on 11/18. The FCS contest winners can qualify to attend the Association of Northern California Chinese Schools (ANCCS) contest; therefore, please verify the accuracy of the age group. If the age group is incorrect, your child/children will be disqualified, so please double check your child’s information for accuracy.
Link to 2017-2018 FCS Academic Contest Information
Academic Group Academic Contest Contact: Main Office (Room 24)
Mindy Tu ( )
18 Oct
IHS Marching Band will be assembling at the horseshoe parking lot on Saturday, October 21, 2017. There will be 6 buses loading students and instruments between 9:00am and 9:15am at the IHS horseshoe area. This is conflicting with our first session student's report time. To avoid traffic congestion and the risk of traffic accidents, we will close the horseshoe area and will not allow parking and drop offs during that time. Please use the adjacent large parking area and make sure parents/guardians escort the younger students to the classroom.
13 Oct
Dear Parents, Due to unhealthy air quality, Fremont Chinese School had decided to cancel outdoor activities for tomorrow 10/14/17. Please come to room #82 during class time to watch movie. If student decides not to come, please send email to inform school. ( .
8 Sep
Dear Parents, This coming Saturday is the last chance to add, change or drop off classes. Both payment and online registration needs to be completed as part of the process. The class will be cancelled if the number of registration is less than the minimum requirement of 8 students. Chinese Typing I, Chinese Typing II, Brush Painting I, Brush Painting II, Chinese Yo-Yo II and Western Painting III classes are open for adult registration. Please feel free to enroll if you are interested.
8 Sep
Please be noted the horseshoe parking is for teacher permit parking. Horseshoe loop is for drop off only and no parking is allowed. Please follow the traffic flow indicated below.
5 Sep
FCS is recruiting student volunteers. The community service hours will be provided for the high school students. If you are interested, please fill out the application form and turn it in to Office (Room 24) or send the form to or you can send your application to P.O.Box 1309, Fremont, CA 94538.。
31 Aug
FCS will be offering SAT II Chinese Prep Class. Classes will be held from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm every Saturday at FCS South Grimmer Office (44555 S. Grimmer Blvd) from 9/16/2017 to 10/28/2017. Tuition $140. This class will be cancelled if the number of students enrolled is less than 8. Please submit the registration form.
30 Aug
30 Aug
劉雅靖 Alison Lau
王佑文 Emma Wang
張宸璽 Chen Hsi Chang
陳 希 Aileen Chen
池佳芸 Isabel Chih
30 Aug
恭喜董玉琪老師, 呂維民老師, 何文勝老師及張雅雯老師, 榮獲2017北加州中文學校聯合會優良教師! 恭喜魯秋琴老師及陳文𤦍老師, 榮獲2017僑委會資深教師!
28 Aug
Dear parents,
The summer vacation is almost over and the new school year will start on 9/9. This is to remind you if you haven't registered yet then please complete the registration and payment as soon as possible. There might be a risk of the classes being full or cancelled if you don't register soon.
Once again, we remind you all that FCS is a non profit organization. Other than the teachers, all staffs including the principal and vice principal are volunteers. We have very limited staff; therefore, we rely on all parents' help to ensure the campus security. When you receive the notification for the security duty, please make sure you report to the security group on your duty day. Irvington High School is an open campus, and the parents need to pay attention to the safety during pick up, drop off, recess, and even when the students need to use the restroom during class. Parents have the responsibility to accompany their children while changing classrooms if they have elective classes, especially for the younger students. Teachers won't be able to watch the students during recess because they need to take care of some routine duties during recess. We hope all parents take their own responsibility to ensure the students' safety. In addition, there are only limited seats available in the classrooms. Parents should cooperate with their teachers and respect the teachers' requirements. For the parents of younger students, please work closely with the teacher to decide either to stay in the classroom or to have a weekly representative to stay in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation!
4 Jul
謝謝今天所有來參加遊行的老師、幹事、家長及同學們!真的非常驕傲我們有一支如此耀眼的隊伍!特别感謝陳麗玲老師提供的彩帶、鈴鼓等道具,並編排帶領著美麗的彩帶舞隊,沿途由董玉琪老師、魏美玲老師及多位家長和幹事,在大太陽下揮汗舞動著色彩繽紛的彩帶,另外還有維持隊伍節拍的重要靈魂人物,光若蘋老師及沈玉嬿老師,賣力的敲打鈴鼓伴奏,好不熱鬧!趙明老師帶領著小朋友,整齊化一訓練有素的扯鈴表演,更是贏得滿堂喝采!當然也要謝謝陳永敏前校長,特別前來替我們掌大旗引領隊伍!副校長 Eugene 及電腦組長 Daniel帶著兒女一同掌持學校 banner!還有秘書組組長 Vivian,一大早特別跑去 Milpitas 為我們買回來剛出爐熱騰騰的麵包!最後更要謝謝徐永生前校長,不但提供大旗,更全程替我們拍照留念!所有徐校長辛苦紀錄的照片,已上傳學校網站,請大家觀賞!謝謝大家熱情的參與!無法一一道謝!感激不盡!
14 May
[ 北加州 中華歷史文化常識比賽-校長葉蘭貞現場報導之三 ]
1 May
[ 校長葉蘭貞現場報導之二 "成語比賽" "徵文比賽" ]
-- 4/23 六隊費利蒙中文學校優秀的隊伍,在高手如雲的北加聯合總會在灣區華僑文教中心舉行的成語比賽中,歷經聽力筆試,個人舉牌答題以及按鈴搶答層層關卡下.奪下了初級組的第二名以及佳作.
第二名: 黃愛伶和王雅宣 佳作: 楊振熙和陳冠如
-- 4/15 北加聯的正體漢字文化節徵文比賽中.在每個學校驚豔的眼光中共有5位初級組和2位高級組的8位學生贏的了第一名,第二名和佳作.
29 Apr
The AC placement test for new/transfer students will be held on 5/6 from 10am to 10:50am at Irvington High School Room 71.
18 Apr
勤奮努力的學生、家長、老師、校長、春假不打佯 ; 費利蒙中文學校始終優秀!
18 Apr
28 Mar
星期天3/26/2017的北加州中文學校聯合會學術比賽,本校的學生表現優異,共有20名同學獲獎[名單在此]。感謝參與評審工作的老師: 任毓平,溫淑齡,沈燦,毛秀鳳,朱怡謹,董玉琪,王道成,沈玉燕,曾景緻,葉蘭貞和吳季芳。
25 Mar
2017-2018 註冊時間表:
1). 3月 26日 :學校寄出舊生註冊通知。舊生網路註冊開始。
2). 4月 1日 和 8日 :接受舊生學費支票繳交。
3). 4月 9日 :在校生兄弟姊妹網路註冊開始。
4). 4月 29日 :接受在校生兄弟姊妹學費支票繳交。
5). 4月 30日 :新生網路註冊開始。
6). 5月 6日 :新生學費
學期間註冊費繳交: 在 2017 年 6 月10日前,每週六上午 9:30 -11:30,在 Room# 24 , Irvington High School
暑假期間註冊費繳交: 郵寄至 P.O. Box 1309, Fremont, CA 94538
17 Mar
2016-2017年刊將于6月發行, 若有個人或公司行號欲贊助刊登廣告, 請聯絡出版組 download Form
13 Mar
The AC placement test for the incoming 9th grader will be held on April 1st from 10am to 10:50am. There is no make up test, so please do not be absent. The placement test notice has been sent out to all parents of the students who are eligible for the test. If there is any questions, please contact the AC Class staff at the office. Class 81 and 82 students, will be taking the test at their current classrooms. The other eligible students will take the test at Room 71 (Parents Break Room)
9 Mar
3/11 [ Seminar ] - Future path for bilingual classes students
We are going to have a seminar to address the concerns of the future path for the bilingual classes students. The seminar will be hosted by Teacher Wun on 3/11 from 10:50 am to 11:30 am at Room 71 (Parents Break Room). We highly recommend all parents of bilingual classes to join this seminar.
18 Feb
All parents of incoming 9th Graders, We are going to have an AC placement test parents meeting on Saturday 3/4. The meeting will be held at the Irvington High School Room 71 (Parents Break Room) from 9 to 10 am. We highly recommend you to attend this meeting. Thank you!. download agenda presentation slides
即將升九年級的學生家長們, 我們將在3月4日早上9:00 - 10:00,在家長休息室(71教室),舉辦一場學分班分班考試說明會。 請家長們務必參加。 謝謝! 議程下載 presentation slides
17 Feb
16 Feb
費利蒙市長Lily Mei頒發了一份宣佈狀.是為感謝費利蒙中文學校為社區的貢獻,特別宣布每年的一月二十八日為費利蒙市的中國農曆新年日.這一項宣布為華人在主流的社會上又增添了一筆佳話和榮耀. 實為本校殊榮.
16 Feb
12 Feb
Here are the raffle winners who didn't claim their prizes. please email to if you win the prize, Steven will bring it to PTA booth on 2/25
Ticket# | Ticket# | Ticket# | Ticket# |
980305 | 9631498 | 5543081 | 9631589 |
979501 | 5542967 | 980250 | 9632004 |
9631655 | 980757 | 5543100 | 980706 |
5543361 | 9631740 | 9630946 | 9631438 |
5543854 | 9631606 | 5543758 | 980498 |
5543419 | 5543888 | 5542955 | 9631529 |
9632166 | 979015 | 5543792 | 979570 |
5543876 | 5543449 | 5543782 | 979538 |
979723 | 979670 |
4 Feb
週六(2月11日)是新春聯歡會抽獎彩券買十送一的最後機會, 錯過週六就沒有優惠了,請大家把握良機,祝大家幸運中大獎! (請下載 [2017新春聯歡會家長注意事項])
The Chinese New Year Celebration raffle ticket promotion of buy ten get one free will be ending this coming Saturday (2/11). Please don't miss this special offer. Good Luck! (please download Important Notice for FCS 2017 Chinese New Year Celebration)
26 Jan
一年一度的新春聯歡會即將于二月十一日隆重舉行。屆時將有各班精彩演出、美食小吃及抽獎活動。若有個人或公司行號欲捐贈禮品,以豐富我們的抽獎活動,歡迎直接與辦公室或活動組 Brian Pan ( 聯絡!
24 Dec
15 Dec
2016-2017 ANCCS's Rooster year poster design contest is starting now.2016
30 Nov
The Fremont Chinese School Food Festival will be hosted in the Irvington High School Court Yard this coming Saturday, 12/3. There will be many delicious dishes prepared by Office staffs and PTA, including mince pork rice, sticky rice, pan fried noodles/rice noodles, red bean cake, pork intestine vermicelli, Chinese leek calzone, Taiwanese style garlic and soy source braised snacks, Taiwanese rice cake, Taiwanese meatball soup, pearl milk tea, cotton candy, tea eggs.....etc. Please bring your family to join us. Also, we are going to start selling the Chinese New Year Celebration raffle tickets. $1 each ticket, buy 10 get 1 free. Please come and enjoy the great food and fun!
10 Nov
第三名: 304班 張邦寧
高中組: 第二名 503班 劉雅舒, 第三名 304班 劉震宴
初中組: 第三名 72班 劉雅靖
30 Oct
Dear parents,
Academic contest catalog and rules are on our school website now.
Please go to our website and look at the catalog first.
The registration link will be sent out on 11/4(Friday)and start on 11/5,due on 11/19.
Please watch for email sent from "".
23 Oct
「學區委員政見發表會」方面,選舉將在11月8日舉行,候選人共有五名:Ann Crosbie(現任)因事缺席由David Bonaccorsi代表,Dax Choksi、Desrie Campbell(現任)、Hiu Ng、Michele Berke(現任)均親自與會一抒己見。在場高朋滿座,盛況空前,各位候選人均有備而來,討論熱絡,關心教育不遺餘力的華裔家長也踴躍提問,交換意見,討論學區發展的各類議題:從教育展望,人口成長對校區發展造成壓力,每班學生人數愈來愈多影響教學品質,預算與資源分配,推動小班制改善師生比,消弰科技鴻溝,大麻合法化對學校的衝擊等。市長候選人(現任副市長)Lily Mei亦親臨現場致意,並與費利蒙中文學校代表拍照留念。
16 Oct
Fremont Chinese School is going to host a FUSD school board member forum for the upcoming election. These candidates are going to discuss their strategies and opinions regarding important subjects and how they are going to run the school board if elected. Please come to join us!
Time: 10/22 Sat. 10:00am to 11:30am
Location: Irvington High School Room 104
41800 Blacow Rd, Fremont, CA 94538
13 Oct
[ Picture Day ]
This Saturday 10/15/2016, Fremont Chinese School will take picture with these classes for the yearbook.
Picture Day schedule of 10/15/2016:
12 Oct
Dear FCS parents,
Irvington marching band will have 300 students reporting to school at 8:30. They will leave school between 9:15 and 9:30.
There will be 5 yellow school buses arriving on site at 9:00. They plan to park in the Blacow parking lot. See attached aerial photo.
In case school bus missed the turn, they will park in horseshoe. Please let private security guards know. Cars should not park in stalls next to school buses because it would be hard for cars to get out.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the understanding.
30 Sep
報名截止:2016年10月 30日
報名截止:2016年10月 30日 [報名訊息]
活動地點:金山灣區華僑文教服務中心(100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035)
國父孫中山生平與革命建國常識比賽 - 個人賽
報名截止:2016年10月 23日 [報名訊息]
活動時間:2016年11月 6日(星期日)2:00 - 4:00 PM
活動地點:金山灣區華僑文教服務中心(100 S. Milpitas Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035)
27 Sep
尹清賢, 張樂濱,魏美凌,溫淑齡以及5位老師獲的北加聯2016年優良教師獎:
19 Sep
10 Sep
We are offering SAT II Chinese Prep Class. Classes will be held from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm every Saturday at FCS South Grimmer Office (44555 S. Grimmer Blvd) from 9/17/2016 to 10/29/2016. Tuition $140. This class will be cancelled if the number of students enrolled is less than 8. Please submit the registration form here
6 Sep
Dear FCS parents,
FCS has to make several campus adjustments to accommodate some last-minute changes made by IHS. To minimize the impacts to you and students, please
Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.
6 Sep
2016-2017 Teacher List 教師名單2016
28 Aug
14 Aug
高中組獲得第二名. 初中組獲得第三名的佳績.
學生、老師和家長們的血汗努力都結成了歡樂果實! [請看照片]
5 Jun
AP班,學分班(9-12年級)上課時間 8:50-12:30pm以及才藝選修課(西畫,西洋棋,扯鈴,心珠算,photoshop ,illustration 等等),球類(籃球,網球,足球).現在還有成人才藝班(包括工藝班,line dance,.社交舞)
中文學校上課地點在 : Irvington High School2016
4 May
The AC Class placement test for transfer and new students will be held on 5/7 at Irvington High School Room 203 (behind PTA booth) from 10:00am to 10:50am.
4 May
We are going to have a seminar to address the concerns of the future path for the bilingual classes students. The seminar will be hosted by Teacher Wun on 5/14 from 9:50am to 10:30am at Room 203 (behind PTA booth). We highly recommend all parents of bilingual classes to join this seminar. Thank you!
29 Apr
這星期六 (4/30):
2.學分班分班考試 (時間是10:00-10:50)
25 Apr
捷報!本校於四月二十四日,參加北加聯中華文化常識比賽,勇得高中組與初中組團體賽雙料冠軍!可喜可賀!感謝帶隊張雅雯老師,以及這幾個月來辛勤集訓的訓練老師張雅雯老師、周麗芳老師和蔣愷珍老師! (中華文化常識賽 費利蒙中校奪雙冠 - 世界日報記者李榮報導)
名字 | 班級 |
吳雙 | 304 |
張寗 | 304 |
陳郁璇 | 304 |
劉雅舒 | 304 |
江敏綺 | 403 |
名字 | 班級 |
張歆 | 82 |
劉震晏 | 82 |
毛琬婷 | 82 |
郭映廷 | 81 |
潘立宗 | 81 |
名次 | 名字 | 班級 |
第一名 | 卲愃惠 | 才藝 |
佳作 | 劉雅舒 | 304 |
名次 | 名字 | 班級 |
第三名 | 毛琬婷 | 82 |
22 Apr
This is a reminder for the incoming 9th graders. The AC Class placement test will be held on Saturday, April 30th, 2016, from 10am to 10:50am. There will be no make up exam so please do not be absent. The students in Class 81 and 82 will be taking the exam in their own classrooms. The other eligible students will be called by the staff during first recess to join the Class 81 or 82. Thank you!
11 Apr
Dear Students, Congratulations to all the winners at the 2016 ANCCS Academic Contest. We will have the winner group picture for yearbook. Here is the date and time. Please bring your trophy/Certificate with you. If you did not pick up your trophy on 4/3, we will have your trophy/Certificate ready in the office on 4/16 for you.
Date: April 16, 2016Please confirm if you can make it to the group picture on the date or not .
Time: 11 am
Place: Outside of the Office
11 Apr
親愛的家長, 註冊組已經將每位學生的專用註冊表寄出,請學生及家長查看由registration@ fremontchineseschool.org來的信件, 以便註冊。 信的標題裡有“FCS 2016-2017“的字樣。 而學校的信可能會被送到Spam或是Trash裡, 而不在Inbox裡。所以,如果沒有在Inbox 找到,需要到Spam或是Trash裏找。找到後, 移到Inbox。 如果有家長沒有收到信,請寄信給註冊組。我們會來查看問題。非常 感謝您的幫忙!
5 Apr
上星期天(4/3)的北加州學術比賽,本校的學生表現優異,共有12名同學獲獎,獲獎名單如下 。感謝參與評審工作的老師: 張樂濱, 任毓平, 沈燦, 魯秋琴, 溫淑齡, 車愛玲, 尹清賢, 蔣愷珍, 黃賜梅, 葉蘭貞 和 吳季芳。
2015-2016 北加聯學術比賽優勝名單
比賽項目 | 組別 | 姓名/班別 | 名次 |
毛筆書法 | C | 王雅宣/52 | 第 一 名 |
毛筆書法 | B | 王佑文/62 | 第 二 名 |
國 畫 | A | 張邦寧/82 | 第 二 名 |
西 畫 | A | 陳昱宏/503 | 第 二 名 |
西 畫 | B | 盧加洺/C5 | 第 二 名 |
注音拼音 | B | 林虹/52 | 第 二 名 |
CSL 朗讀 | C | 奧斯卡/C4 | 第 二 名 |
國 畫 | C | 張瑜庭/41 | 第 三 名 |
CSL 朗讀 | C | 黃種玉/C3 | 佳 作 |
CSL 朗讀 | D | 黃詩程/C1 | 佳 作 |
西 畫 | C | 盧塏錡/C2 | 佳 作 |
鉛筆書法 | D | 張凱芯/21 | 佳 作 |
31 Mar
The list of winners of 2016 FCS Yearbook Cover Page Contest is listed as below. Congratulations to all the winners and thanks to all the participants! First Place Award: $60, Second Place Award: $40, Third Place Award: $30, and Honorable Mention Award: $20. All participants who didn’t receive an award will receive a certificate of participation and a surprise gift.
名次 Place | 獲獎者 Winner | 班級 Class | 獎金 Award |
第一名 | 余芷茵 Chloe Yu | 81 | $60 |
第二名 | 饒樂文 Christine Yiu | 51 | $40 |
第三名 | 潘佳玲 Katelyn Pan | 52 | $30 |
佳作 | 劉震晏 Jeffery Liu | 82 | $20 |
佳作 | 黃胤琪 Andrea Ng | 72 | $20 |
佳作 | 彭靖筑 Sharpay Peng | K1 | $20 |
6 Mar
3/26 and 4/2 停課 It's Spring Break!!!
2016-2017 註冊表 (registration form ) coming soon
4 Mar
即將升九年級的學生家長們, 我們將在下週六3月12日早上9:00 - 10:00,在家長會報攤後方的203教室,舉辦一場學分班分班考試說明會。 請家長們務必參加。 謝謝!
23 Feb
費利蒙中文學校 猴年春節聯歡錄影
22 Feb
Here are the raffle winners who didn't claim their prizes. Please come to the office (Room 202) on Saturday to claim your prizes. You must present the tickets with the identical number to be able to take home the prizes.
Ticket# | Class | Name | Prize |
320749 | ? | James Lee | Volleyball/Badminton Set |
322206 | 51 | 梁家宣 | Neck and Shoulder Massager |
435545 | 31 | 彭湘婷 | InkJet All-in-one Printer |
436336 | CK | Jason Ngo | $25 Costco |
7237101 | 71 | 吳潔明 | $25 Costco |
7237143 | 82 | Chloe Huang | $25 Applebee's + $25 AMC Theatres |
7237195 | C5 | Kyle S. | $25 Costco |
7237308 | C1 | Flora Li | Food Chopper |
7237368 | K1 | 黃嘉韻 | Sandwich Maker |
7237402 | 201 | 賴孟培 | Angry Bird Hat |
9630620 | 302 | Jemina Trinh | Bank Crystal |
9632361 | 51 | Jerry Chang | $25 Trader Joe's |
12 Feb
No school for this Saturday (2/13) !!!
8 Feb
恭喜陳麗玲老師率領本校學生于上周六在Fremont Library慶祝新年節目中表演精彩扯鈴, 獲頒感謝狀一枚
5 Feb
FCS 2016年年刊封面設計比賽, 截稿日為3月12日,請下載 [比賽規則]
主題: “我都如何慶祝農曆新年?”
第一名獎金: $60,第二名獎金: $40,第三名獎金: $30,佳作$20。所有未得獎參賽者將獲得參賽證書一張和驚喜禮物一份。
FCS 2016 Yearbook Cover Contest, please submit by 3/12, please download [contest rules]
Drawing topic:“How do I celebrate the Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)?”
The 1st place winner will be awarded $60, 2nd place winner will be awarded $40, 3rd place winner will be awarded $30, and honorable mention winners, will be awarded $20. All contestants except winners will receive a participation certificate and a surprise gift.
5 Feb
本週六(2月6日)是新春聯歡會抽獎彩券買十送一的最後機會, 錯過本週六就沒有優惠了,請大家把握良機,祝大家幸運中大獎! (請下載 [2016新春聯歡會家長注意事項])
The Chinese New Year Celebration raffle ticket promotion of buy ten get one free will be ending this coming Saturday (2/6). Please don't miss this special offer. Good Luck! (please download Important Notice for FCS 2016 Chinese New Year Celebration)
3 Feb
一年一度的新春聯歡會即將于二月二十日隆重舉行。屆時將有各班精彩演出、美食小吃及抽獎活動。若有個人或公司行號欲捐贈禮品,以豐富我們的抽獎活動,歡迎直接與辦公室或活動組 Lillian 聯絡!!
25 Jan
費利蒙中文學校將于1/30舉辦新春小吃品嚐!請各位學生、家長及老師們共襄盛舉!辦公室職員和家長會別出心裁準備了各種美食,有滷肉飯、油飯、炒米粉、炒麵、炸春卷、碗稞、韓式雞翅、鹽酥豆腐、鹽酥雞、貢丸湯、日本烤年糕、珍珠奶茶、花生豆花、棉花糖、荼葉蛋.....等等,請大家告訴大家! 新春聯歡會抽獎彩券也將在會場持續熱賣,每張彩券$1,請不要錯過買十送一的優惠,優惠只到2/6
The Fremont Chinese School Food Festival will be hosted in the Irvington High School Court Yard this coming Saturday, 1/30. There will be many delicious dishes prepared by Office staffs and PTA, including mince pork rice, sticky rice, pan fried noodles, egg rolls, salty rice pudding, Korean chicken wings, deep fried tofu, popcorn chicken, Taiwanese meatball soup, Japanese rice cake, milk tea, tofu pudding, cotton candy, tea eggs.....etc. Please bring your family to join us. Also, the raffle tickets will be continuing to be on sale with the buy 10 get 1 free promotion till 2/6. Each ticket is $1. Please come and enjoy the great food and fun!
21 Jan
Dear Parents,
Here is a sneak peek of our Chinese New Year Celebration raffle drawing prizes this year. More prizes will be added depending on how well we will be doing with the fundraising. We are very excited about the upcoming food festival and New Year Celebration programs, and we hope you will all come to support the events. Each student will be given one free raffle ticket on 2/20, the New Year Celebration day. The raffle tickets will be available for sale this coming Saturday (1/23) with buy 10 get 1 free special promotion. This special offer ends on 2/6. Please contact the office (Room 202) for purchase. Good Luck!
5 Jan
一月十六日將舉行校內學術比賽, 請注意下列比賽規則事項:
西畫和卡通比賽請自備繪畫工具和顏料, 不可使用噴膠類顏料作畫.
The following are permitted: Crayon, Color pencil, Oil Pastel, Marker, and Water Color
題目由監考老師當場公布, 畫紙由學校提供.
2016 中打比賽有新規則, 請下載並熟讀 --> [新規則]
1. 考題編號(每一題號皆要打出來)
2. 存檔時請用 .doc
3. 考題是double side, 標題不用打
5 Dec
親愛的家長們, "Student Survey" 已經email 給各位家長了. 截止日期是12/20/2015. 請各位家長陪著孩子一起做, 問卷調查可在智慧手機或個人電腦上,用最近版本的瀏覽器進行。[支援瀏覽器] , 調查報告不會出現學生姓名和學生號碼,請放心照實提供建議.
5 Dec
各位家長們, 2015~2016 校內學術比賽規章及題目已公布在學校網站,請點選Academic Contest-> 校內學術比賽規章, 有關演講比賽, 毛筆書法, 國語朗讀, CFL/CSL朗讀 規章及題目
14 Nov
各位家長們, 2015~2016 學術比賽報名已經正式開放了.
截止報名日期:11/20/2015 (10:00pm以後將關閉此報名網站)
如有任何問題,請各位家長到辦公室 (room#202) 找 Katy
Parents of bilingual class students, FCS has published an [online enrollment tutorial]
19 Oct
There will be a Halloween parade for the lower graders (PK to 3rd) on 10/31. The court yard will be decorated with full Halloween spirit. They are welcome to come and take pictures. We will take group pictures for each class during parade. The kids are encouraged to wear full costumes, the parents too!
19 Oct
10/24(星期六),學校將有小吃品嚐.目前有9個攤位.如果還有意願要參加的班級請盡快通知Steven -> 目前設攤位的班級 201, 51,31, 11, PK, 32,403, 41, PTA Class 201: Class 51 :魯肉飯,貢丸湯,蚵仔麵線,滷味拼盤 class 31 : 1) cold noodle 2)strawberry lemonade 3) desert(雷沙湯圓) Class 11: 1)日式飯糰 2)客家甜品。3)珍珠奶茶等四種茶飲 4)台式蒜香 豆乾。 Class PK: Class 32:cupcakes & brownies, so basically we just need 1/2 of table to put the stuff. Class 403:Class 41: 炒米粉和冬瓜荼 PTA: Cotton Candy, 珍珠奶茶,魯肉飯, and Not cook Chinese Sausages and 貢丸
14 Oct
恭喜本校榮獲舊金山雙十國慶遊行優勝獎 獎杯一座及獎金$200元!
9 Sep
FCS is offering Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator classes start from Sep. 12, every Saturday 12:10pm~1:00pm at Room 223, taught by Wayne and Vincent, Sign Up Now by sending email to
(Visit Wayne's TofufuStudio and Vincent's blog to see the ongoing works)
Student work gallery Made with Illustrator
Student work gallery made with Photoshop
31 Aug
We are offering SAT II Chinese Prep Class. Registration will take place on 9/12/2015 between 9 am to 12 pm at Irvington High School Room 202. Classes will be held from 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm every Saturday at FCS South Grimmer Office from 9/19/2015 to 10/31/2015. Tuition $140. This class will be cancelled if the number of students enrolled is less than 8. (Please download Registration Form)
4 Jul
華裔社團學校 參加國慶遊行--星島日報--記者[王慶偉]報導
我們今年有老師團隊:萬惠冬老師(啦啦隊長), 朱怡謹老師全家, 董玉琪老師, 光若蘋老師, 幹事團隊:Michelle伉儷, 永敏(掌旗), 徐永生大哥伉儷(攝影), Lillian全家, Eugene全家, Jane全家, Mindy(女兒), Rose(女兒), Michale伉儷(拿banner). YoYo團隊: 由陳麗玲老師帶領YoYo 隊伍表演(及秀華大戶的參與), 還有老師的舞龍, 非常的精彩. 特別歡迎遠道而來的原聲音樂學校團隊:車和道大哥帶領的"原聲音樂學校"的五位俊男美女。以上團隊組成的遊行人員, 有50多人來參加Fremont City的 4th of July遊行. 特別感謝大家不但犧牲了連續長假,還不辭辛勞頂著大太陽, 一起為中文學校爭取在美國主流社會的曝光率, 真的非常感謝大家.
感謝徐永生大哥負責全程攝影非常辛苦, 請觀賞現場精彩照片, 希望明年能有更多的人能來和我們一起參加遊行活動.
8 Jun
FCS online registration is still open in Summer. Please find online registration form under "Admission" Menu. After submit online registration form, please mail a payment check, with clear student's information on the check and paid to "FCS", then mail to
31 May
恭喜本校榮獲朱感生眾議員頒贈榮譽狀以表彰本校在語言與文化教育上的卓越成就與貢獻! Congratulate Fremont Chinese School received Certificate of Recognition from Assemblymember Kansen Chu!
22 May
好消息! 現在費利蒙中文學校有開 "成人手工藝班" (9:00-9:50am) 和 "排舞" (9:00am-10:10am), 排舞中級班 (10:15am-11:15am), 歡迎有興趣的家長們, 踴躍報名參加. 網上註冊或下載報名表
19 May
名次 | 名字 | 班級 |
第一名 | 朱書廷 | 403 |
第二名 | 卲愃惠 | 才藝班 |
第三名 | 王嘉寧 | 403 |
第四名 | 王麗莎 | 403 |
名次 | 名字 | 班級 |
第二名 | 劉震晏 | 72 |
第五名 | 張歆 | 72 |
第五名 | 洪子媛 | 81 |
11 May
本學年度 (2015~2016) 1-8年級的教科書將全部改用 [美洲華語], Ck-C6還是繼續用 [生活華語], C7 and C8(雙語班)則將繼續用 [中文聽說讀寫 第一冊part 1]. AP class 使用[超越]
31 Mar
比賽項目 | 組別 | 姓名 | 名次 |
西畫 | A | 李蓓 | 第一名 |
西畫 | B | 余芷茵 | 第一名 |
西畫 | C | 盧加洺 | 第一名 |
中文打字 | A | 劉承翰 | 第二名 |
漢語拼音 | A | 徐弘宜 | 第二名 |
鉛筆書法 | A | 王嘉寧 | 第二名 |
國語朗讀 | D | 梁嘉誠 | 第二名 |
中文打字 | B | 史寀筠 | 第三名 |
國畫 | B | 張邦寧 | 第三名 |
注音拼音 | C | 林虹 | 第三名 |
國畫 | A | 陳君眉 | 佳作 |
鉛筆書法 | B | 方雅愉 | 佳作 |
14 Feb
2015 年刊封面設計比賽 得獎名單第一名獎金:$60, 第二名獎金:$40,第三名獎金:$30, 佳作:$20。所有參賽者將獲得參賽證書一張和驚喜禮物一份。恭喜所有獲獎同學,也謝謝所有參賽同學們。
名次 Place | 名字 Winner | 班級 Class | 獎金 Award |
第一名 | 李蓓 Elizabeth Van Campen | 502班 | $60 |
第二名 | 張瑜庭 Estee Teo | 31班 | $40 |
第三名 | 饒樂文 Christine Yiu | 42班 | $30 |
佳作 | 陳忠健 Matthew Chan | C5班 | $20 |
佳作 | 陳郁璇 Melody Chen | 81班 | $20 |
佳作 | 王雅宣 Audrey Wang | 42班 | $20 |
7 Feb
The annual FCS Chinese New Year Celebration is going to be held on 2/21. Here are couple reminders for all the parents [Download]
一年一度的新春聯歡會即將于二月二十一日隆重舉行。請家長們注意以下事項 [下載]
20 Jan
費利蒙中文學校將于1/31舉辦小吃品嘗! 請各位學生、家長及老師共襄盛舉! 屆時將有魯肉飯、珍珠奶茶、花枝羹麵線、紅豆粉圓湯、綠豆冰、棉花糖和爆米花.....等等. 請大家告訴大家!
20 Jan
一年一度的新春聯歡會即將于二月二十一日隆重舉行。屆時將有各班精彩演出、美食小吃及抽獎活動。若有個人或公司行號欲捐贈禮品,以豐富我們的抽獎活動,歡迎直接與辦公室或活動組 Lillian 聯絡!!
16 Dec
2014-2015年刊將于五月發行, 若有個人或公司行號欲贊助刊登廣告請聯絡出版組組長 Lillian: [贊助價目表]
16 Dec
2015 yearbook cover contest beginning! The deadline for submission will be 1/31/2015, Subject:"My favorite Chinese Folk Story or Chinese Mythology Story" "我最喜歡的中國民間故事或中國神話故事", 第一名獎金: $60,第二名獎金: $40,第三名獎金: $30,佳作 $20。所有參賽者將獲得參賽證書一張和驚喜禮物一份。
Contest Rules 請看比賽詳細規則
17 Nov
Fremont Chinese School will offer two AC make up classes for 1st semester:Date | December 6, 2014 and January 10, 2015 |
Time | 1:00pm to 5:00pm |
Location | FCS office at 44555 S. Grimmer Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538 |
Cost | $20 per class |
11 Nov
This Saturday Nov. 15 10:00am to 12:00pm We will have Parents Assembly meeting at IHS Library. Parents please come sharing your ideas. 本周六將在Library舉行家長大會, 請大家踴躍參與
3 Oct
恭賀下列老師榮獲僑委會海外中文學校資深教師獎: 20年優良教師光若蘋、董玉琪、王玉香.恭賀林喬珍、周麗芳、莊幼春、假台雲、賀秋鳳 老師當選北加州中文學校聯合會2013-2014優良教師
17 Sep
FUSD 學區委員競選政見發表會/FUSD School Board Candidate Forum
Please come to the Irvington High School library on Oct. 11, Saturday. from 9:30 to 11:00am to find out what is going on with FUSD school board!! School board members are the most important people who make daily decisions will impact our children's education. Come to talk to them and find out what will happen in the next 4 years with our school board.
Time: Oct. 11, 9:30am to 11:00am
Location: Irvington High School Library
6 Sep
School starts today! Are you still pondering what elective class to add? Adobe Illustrator training class is cool and fun! Create distinctive vector artwork for any project. Visit TofufuStudio to see the ongoing works by illustrator / toy designer / computer graphics teacher Wayne & his wife Maibelle. The featured Bamboo Wall Art series and numerous prints were created entirely with ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR, and the collaborative artistic talents of Maibelle & Wayne as Tofufu open the wondrous world of digital illustration to your children with Adobe illustrator, and see where their creativity may take them!
As a graphic designer, game artist, and computer graphics teacher, Vince pursues his love of video games
7 Aug
恭賀費利蒙中文學校文化常識初中組榮獲全美第三名, 在此特別感謝張雅雯老師、牟健美老師的辛苦教導以及家長們的大力支持,當然最重要的還是幾位參賽學生們的優秀表現。我們費利蒙中文學校全校師生都以你們為榮!
5 Aug
好消息! 現在費利蒙中文學校有開 "成人手工藝班" (9:00-9:50am) 和 "Line Dance" (9:00-9:50am) 歡迎有興趣的家長們, 踴躍報名參加. download 報名表
21 Jul
We will have SAT - II Chinese Prep Class starting soon, Registration date is 9/6/2014 9:00am to 12:00pm at Irvington High School Room 24. Classes will be held every Saturday 1:30pm to 3:30pm at our South Grimmer office from 9/13/2014 to 11/01/2014. Tuition $160. Class will be cancelled if number of students enrolled is less than 8. (Please download Registration Form)
7 May
2014 年刊封面設計比賽 得獎名單第一名獎金:$60, 第二名獎金:$40,第三名獎金:$30, 佳作:$20。所有參賽者將獲得參賽證書一張和驚喜禮物一份。恭喜所有獲獎同學,也謝謝所有參賽同學們。
名次 | 名字 | 班級 | 獎金 |
第一名 | 張瑜庭 | 21班 | $60 |
第二名 | 劉雅舒 | 82班 | $40 |
第三名 | 饒樂文 | C2班 | $30 |
佳作 | 余芷茵 | 61班 | $20 |
佳作 | Audrey Gobaco | C3班 | $20 |
2 May
各位家長同學請注意, 學分班畢業典禮從 6/7 改為 5/31 !
27 Apr
恭賀費利蒙中文學校文化常識初中組榮獲北加州第一名, 另外還要恭喜81班邵愃惠同學榮獲個人組第二名。在此特別感謝張雅雯、牟健美老師的辛苦教導以及家長們的大力支持,當然最重要的還是幾位參賽學生們的努力和優秀表現。我們費利蒙中文學校全校師生都以你們為榮
15 Apr
Fremont Chinese School will offer [AP Chinese Placement Test] for Level 3 students on 5/10/2014, Saturday 1:30pm ~ 3:30pm at FCS office at 44555 S. Grimmer Blvd. Fremont
14 Apr
各位家長同學請注意, 學分班分班考試從 5/10 改為 5/3 !
13 Apr
Fremont Chinese School 2014-2015 start enrollment 費利蒙中文學校正在招生
10 Apr
上星期天的北加州學術比賽,本校的學生表現優異,共有12名同學獲獎,獲獎名單如下 。感謝參與評審工作的六位老師 魏美凌,陳文珮,任毓平,莊幼春,丁皓婷 周萌婉。
比賽項目 | 組別 | 姓名/班別 | 名次 |
閱讀測驗 | B | 盧紫恩/81 | 第一名 |
毛筆書法 | CD | 王佑文/42 | 第一名 |
毛筆書法 | A | 郭芮彤/G1 | 第二名 |
閱讀測驗 | A | 郭子翎/503 | 第二名 |
作文 | B | 劉雅舒/82 | 第二名 |
西畫 | D | 盧塏錡/CK | 第二名 |
演講 | D | 潘宇昀/12 | 第三名 |
國畫 | A | 潘雪然/402 | 佳作 |
國畫 | B | 張邦寧/62 | 佳作 |
毛筆書法 | B | 湯羚/51 | 佳作 |
西畫 | A | 鄭月鈴/402 | 佳作 |
西畫 | C | 盧加洺/C3 | 佳作 |
10 Apr
這個星期六 (4/12) 是家長大會,將介紹明年的新任校長及副校長,並選舉校委。請各位家長們踴躍參加。
10 Mar
三月十五日早上9:15AM 將在 Irvington High School (room #104) 舉辦學分班分班考試說明會, 請大家踴躍參加. 家長如何為高中生選擇在哪裡修中文學分?費利蒙中文學校將開說明會為您解答! 位於北加州東灣的費利蒙中文學校創校至今己超過四十個年頭,一向以服務社區為前提,更為海外華裔學生和家長謀福利為宗旨,深得無數家長之信賴。不僅取得Fremont 學區(FUSD)高中中文學分之認證,更於2007年起為學區義務承辦AP中文網上考試(iBT),年年解決學區面對人力、財力一籌莫展的問題。學區願意委以重任,除了肯定本校是對中文教育最重視的非牟利機構外,更相信必當全力以赴,無私造福當地高中生。 費利蒙中文學校為解決家中有即將升高中的家長 ,如何為孩子選擇在那裡修中文學分的迷思,將於本星期六(3/15/2014)上午9:15,為本校及外校之家長利用Irvington High School (room #104) 舉辦一場免費說明會。當天除了學校重要幹部將針對家長關注並想了解之問題逐一說明外,特別聘請具有數十年中文教學經驗,目前任教於主流私立高中的資深中文老師楊慧貞來和家長面對面探討問題,同時也會站在家長和老師為學生考量的立埸,與大家分享她的心得和建議。相信能抽空來參加的家長一定能受惠良多,歡迎踴躍參加。
8 Mar
費利蒙中文學校將舉辦2014年年刊封面設計比賽。今年比賽獎金提高,每位參賽者也都將獲贈參賽證書一張及驚喜禮物一份。請家長及老師多多鼓勵同學們參與。附上 [比賽詳細規則] 。 主題: “我在費利蒙中文學校最難忘的時光” 截稿日期:3/29/2014
27 Feb
本周六 (3/1) 學校將舉辦小吃品嘗 fund raising event, 請各位學生家長老師來共襄盛舉
24 Jan
20 Jan
[校內學術比賽得獎名單] 出爐, 西畫和卡通以及國畫,書法得獎作品會於出版組照完像後通知領取其他沒有榜上有名的請於這星期六到office來領取, 這次的學術比賽真的非常謝謝所有老師和各位幹事的幫忙,也辛苦你們了,雖然教務組還是需要很大的改進,也請老師們能再給予指教, 謝謝大家
17 Jan
本周六 1/18 家長會將在 PTA booth 預售新春聯歡會抽獎彩劵, 彩劵一張$1, 二月一日前有買十送一 promotion, 多買多中, 獎品豐富有 iPad Air, LG39" LED TV, iPad mini 16GB, Kindle Fire HDX 7, Adobe photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat, Juce Maker, Massage machines, cash, Hilltop Gifts, Oven, Bowls Sets, Movie tickets, Weight watch machine, Cuisinar, Cup Set......中獎機率超高, 請勿錯過
17 Jan
2013-2014年刊將于五月發行, 若有個人或公司行號欲贊助刊登廣告請聯絡出版組組長 Lillian: [贊助價目表]
16 Jan
16 Jan
2014年1月26日 迎春揮毫 [詳細節目表] {雄獅競舞中華志, 駿馬奔騰民族風, 潑墨跳躍展揮毫, 鼓舞飛揚迎新春} 活動主旨:北加州中文學校聯合會與聖荷西台灣同鄉聯誼會和北加州中國大專校友會聯合會為慶祝中國農曆新年,謹訂於1/26/2014舉行迎春揮毫活動 。希望藉此活動傳揚中國傳統節慶,宏揚中華文化,學生和家長們可由參加新年慶祝活動體驗中華文化,同時增加及提高對中國農曆新年常識以及年節熱鬧喜慶氣氛。我們希望大家踴躍參與,共襄盛舉,一起慶祝和迎接新年的到來。 活動地點: 南灣華僑文教服務中心 地址 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089 活動時間: 2014年1月26日 (星期日 2:00PM-4:30PM) 報名費:一律免報名費 詢問:至ANCCS網址 查閲
28 Dec
We have 96 guests and no members online